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May 31, 2024 12:00 PM

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How long does an audit take?

The audit usually takes about two weeks if the source lines of code are small. If the project is more complex and source lines of code are large (e.g.,> 5000), it can take 1 to 2 months.

When can you start auditing?

Once the preparation phase is completed, during the first step of our audit, AuditOne team members talk to the client to fully understand the product and to agree on the scope (at a later stage, our auditor committee will own this task). Here, AuditOne requests supporting documentation and potential questions arising from the initial review. For open-source projects, we browse through the GitHub repository and achieve this step by ourselves.

How does the communication between auditors and project owners work?

For communication, we use mainly our Discord server. For every audit, we make a dedicated channel visible to the AuditOne team, the involved auditors, and the project team.

How long does an audit take?

The audit usually takes about two weeks if the source lines of code are small. If the project is more complex and source lines of code are large (e.g.,> 5000), it can take 1 to 2 months.

When can you start auditing?

Once the preparation phase is completed, during the first step of our audit, AuditOne team members talk to the client to fully understand the product and to agree on the scope (at a later stage, our auditor committee will own this task). Here, AuditOne requests supporting documentation and potential questions arising from the initial review. For open-source projects, we browse through the GitHub repository and achieve this step by ourselves.

How does the communication between auditors and project owners work?

For communication, we use mainly our Discord server. For every audit, we make a dedicated channel visible to the AuditOne team, the involved auditors, and the project team.