360 Degree Audit

We thoroughly check your company's workings, finances, and tech. Our deep dive shows where your company stands and what risks it faces, giving investors a full picture of your business.

What's included?

We deliver a comprehensive service tailored to the dynamic nature of the blockchain industry, ensuring your company's security and reliability are thoroughly assessed.

Choose the full audit or select areas for review. Our report will clearly list what was audited.
Business Analysis

Our business analysis includes review of these major categories:
● Business objectives
● Need, scalability of the solution
● Github activity
● Code base
● Funding
● Light / white / green paper

Team Analysis

Success of early startups depends on the team behind it. This is why we pay close attention to the:
●  Skills, previous experience
● Organizational structure
● Advisors
● Income
● Experienced leadership in key areas of Marketing, SM, Development

Tokenomics audit

We use our proprietary tool to check the tokenomics structure against leading projects. Some of the examined parts include:
● Token allocation
● Cliff & vesting lock periods
● Token distribution
● Trading volume and liquidity
● Token supply strategy

Marketing and Social media performance

We combine both manual analysis and our automated tool for checking social media performance. Some of the categories include:
● Community (engagement, giveaways, articles, feedback)
● Discord (organization, control, moderation)
● Twitter (followers, growth, quality of tweets, promotions)
● Telegram (spam control, members, growth)
● Medium (content quality, frequency)

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